The phrase '"don't quit" is a common form of encouragement, but knowing when to let go is important. Sometimes you have to give up. Below are eight things you should indeed quit shared with permission from UnBusy community member Rachel Pfleegor.
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So often, people say, "Don't quit!" They mean, don't quit on your own life — don't give up and give in to self-ridicule, depression, your vices, your dark side — or to put it bluntly... don't quit yourself.
But I've come to realize that sometimes what we need to hear is, "Do quit."
Sometimes You Have To Give Up
There are many things in this life that we should indeed be encouraged to quit.
DO QUIT — saying yes to everything and trying to please everyone.
DO QUIT — people who put you down or abuse you (in overt or subtle, sneaky ways).
DO QUIT — listening and believing in all the popular noise and propaganda that's EVERYWHERE.
DO QUIT — staying busy for busy sake.
DO QUIT — the job that is soul-sucking, empty, meaningless or fake.
DO QUIT — the things that in your core do not feel "right" and you know they're not meant for you.
DO QUIT — judging others for the choices that work for them, but may not be right for you.
And DO QUIT allowing other people's judgments of you affect and change how you act or who you believe yourself to be.
I recently started saying, 'If it doesn't flow, let it go!"
I've been trying to let go of that feeling of needing validation with the choices I've made to pursue a simpler, more laid back lifestyle. It is difficult to let go of other people's expectations of me and even disappoint them, but I'm getting more and more comfortable with it and I love being more at peace within me.
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P.S. Leave words of encouragement for Rachel or share additional DO QUIT list items in our private Becoming UnBusy Facebook group.