I can't stop procrastinating, you tell yourself, but you KNOW it's not just laziness. You're not alone with this common neurobusy struggle.

In a rush? Scroll to the end for a quick summary of key points!
I can't stop procrastinating
It happens more often than I'd like to admit ... another broken promise.
I feel the shame well up in my chest.
I'm sorry I let you down.
I'm sorry I let you down.
I'm sorry I let you down.
I ask myself, "Why does this keeps happening? Why can't I stop procrastinating?"
The scripts below run through my mind on repeat.
The format is almost always the same.
There's always a wave of shame at the end.
I repeat it.
I'm sorry I let you down.
I know this task is important.
It has been at the top of my to-do list for weeks...
and yet here, it still sits undone.
The worst part about being neurobusy is seeing the ways you unconsciously hurt people who are important to you.
I can hear the conversations in my mind.
I truly am 90% finished.
I swear I am not just being lazy.
I'm not sure why the last 10% is so painful.
I repeat it.
I'm sorry I let you down.
Thank you for being patient with me.
I promise, I'm almost finished.
I'm not sure where time went.
I cannot seem to bring myself to do it.
It would be so simple to just finish.
Just get it done.
Why can't I get it done?
I see the text message pop up.
My heart drops.
I look back to our last exchange.
Crap. Was it really that long ago?
I think to myself again...
I'm sorry I let you down.
I know I've made things uncomfortable.
You having to ask about this, again.
I meant to have it done by now.
I stare at my phone.
How should I respond?
Just thinking about it makes me anxious.
I promise myself, "I'll remember to reply later."
Why can't I just finish this stupid, f'ing task??!
Why can't I get it done?
What is wrong with me?
Why do I waste so much time?
I repeat it, perplexed.
I'm sorry I let you down.
I've spent so much time thinking about it,
worrying about it, and planning to finish it.
But I haven't done it — I can't explain why.
I'm just going to do it tomorrow.
Yeah, I will get it done tomorrow.
I have to get it done tomorrow.
I see the hurt in their eyes.
Why didn't I just get it done?
Why does this keep happening to me?
Why do I keep hurting people I care about?
I replay our conversation in my head.
I repeat it.
I'm sorry I let you down.
I want to do this task for you.
I swear I do — It's important to me.
You're important to me.
I feel so ashamed.
I Can't Stop Procrastinating
Does this all sound familiar?
Here's the thing, my friend…
I know you're not being lazy.
I know you're annoyed with yourself.
I know you're not just procrastinating.
This, this is something... different.
It's frustrating.
It's embarrassing.
It's debilitating.
What you're experiencing is called task paralysis:
Task Paralysis is the inability to take action, even if you know something is important and desperately want to complete a task.
It is a common struggle for neurobusy people.
Dive Deeper
Procrastination vs. Task Paralysis
Don't confuse task paralysis with laziness or casual procrastination, where you put off or delay doing tasks.
Task paralysis is not laziness.
Task paralysis is not procrastination.
This is something different.
Task paralysis is a debilitating state that leaves you powerless against waves of shame, doubt, or dread.
Let me say it again...
This happens to others, too.
It's not just you.
You are not alone.
Task paralysis is real.
Stop shaming yourself.
Learn what triggers task paralysis, how to get unstuck, and why you might be more prone to experiencing it →
Recognizing Task Paralysis
Task paralysis is common for people who are neurobusy or struggle with chronic overwhelm. Recognizing this is the first step forward because...
Learn more about task paralysis, how to honor your neurobusy wiring, and get unstuck. The productivity and life approaches you'll find here are a bit different.
But that's ok, because the truth is...
You've always been a bit different.
I like people who are different.
I am a bit different, too.
You're in the right spot, my friend.
You've stumbled across this today for a reason.
Be sure to stay connected!
Key Takeaways
- What you are experiencing is not laziness or procrastination. This is something different.
- Task Paralysis is the inability to take action, even if you know something is important and desperately want to complete a task. It is a common neurobusy struggle.
- The worst part about being neurobusy is seeing the ways you unconsciously hurt people who are important to you.
- The first step forward is to learn more about task paralysis, how to honor your neurobusy wiring, and how to get unstuck.
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