"My life is falling apart," you say to yourself. Who knew uncluttering your home & simplifying your life could be so challenging? Here's why it feels like everything is falling apart, what to expect, and how to reset.

Why Does It Feel Like My Life Is Falling Apart?
You continue to shift, and they stay the same.
Often, it is lonely in the in-between.
What To Expect
On the surface, it feels like life is falling apart — everything is breaking or coming to an end.
In truth, you are making space for new beginnings.
A lot is also going on unconsciously behind the scenes.
Pause regularly.
Offer your body, heart, and mind rest during this transitional time.
How To Reset When "Life Falls Apart"
Clear the chaos.
As you unclutter your home, you release obsolete versions of you.
Versions of yourself that you've outgrown.
Notice when you feel drawn toward new people, career opportunities, and interests.
Create space in your schedule to welcome these invitations. Move towards them with gratitude.
You Are Not Alone
Let me repeat that...
you are not alone.
You will get there in your own time.
This is so important, I want to say it again...
I see you.
I see how exhausted you are.
I also see your hard work, and I see how far you've already come.
You've got this, my friend.
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