Say it out loud! Be bold and get comfortable being uncomfortable. Reading and dreaming out loud are essential steps for becoming unbusy.

Dream Out Loud
Challenging yourself to "dream out loud" is an essential step in becoming unbusy.
Whether reading an affirmation or poem aloud, it can be uncomfortable.
Practice sitting with discomfort to take advantage of the primary benefit of this challenge — it will help you stay focused and remember things!
Benefits of Saying It Out Loud
When reading text out loud, we form multiple memory pathways helping us remember things better.
The "production effect" explains why reading aloud improves explicit memory.
Our brains follow a specific "production process" when reading out loud: the words are seen, read, translated into speech, spoken, and then heard.
Our minds remember ALL of these production steps: seeing the text, reading the words, processing the language, speaking, and hearing ourselves speak.
In other words, reading aloud helps with recall because you get a "bonus" super-powerful auditory memory on top of visual and processing memories.
The Uncomfortable Truth
The truth is, the changes and shifts required to move toward an intentionally slow life are challenging.
If you cannot face the discomfort of reading a poem, affirmation, or mindset out loud to yourself, then you're not going to be able to do the more difficult tasks either.
Growth Is Uncomfortable
Consider saying things out loud a growth practice. It is a small and safe way of learning to be comfortable with being uncomfortable.
Say It Out Loud
Here are a few different ways to dream out loud as you move toward a slow life:
- Reading aloud poetry for yourself
- Saying abundance affirmations aloud
- Speaking mindful mindsets
- Having big conversations
Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable
There are amazing freedoms (and a simple life) hidden on the other side of discomfort, my friend.
It is time to get comfortable with being uncomfortable and dream out loud.