Start the day off right. Below are ten good morning quotes that will inspire you to slow down and live life.
One of my favorite ways to kick off the weekend is to sit with a cup of fresh coffee and look through, what I like to call "good morning" quotes. No matter what day of the week, these messages inspire me toward an UnBusy Life.
Below you'll find ten of great morning inspirational quotes.
Will you join me in this morning's coffee & quotes ritual?

10 Good Morning Quotes that Will Inspire You
Here are ten good morning quotes to inspire you!
1. Your "must-read" good morning message of the day.
A cup of coffee shared with a friend is happiness and time well spent.
Take time this weekend to slow down and connect.
2. Inner thought for the day - Quotes that speak our truths.
Dear Universe, I am totally open to some awesome coming my way.
If you need some awesomeness to come your way, MAKE IT HAPPEN. Schedule a walk, tea or coffee date with a friend.
3. Inspirational coffee quotes are my favorite, so I recommend you...
Try to surround yourself with positive people who make you happy, sarcastic people who make you laugh, and coffee. You should always surround yourself with coffee.
Text this quote to a friend and schedule that coffee date.
4. Here's your tough-love quote of the day, my friend.
I thought I was so busy because the job demanded it, and because everyone wanted more from me. I didn't know it was my choice. I didn't realize this was the life I was choosing; the life I was creating. — Courtney Carver
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This eye-opening quote is from a book I highly recommend titled Soulful Simplicity: How Living a Life of Less Can Lead To So Much More (p.136) by Courtney Carver.
5. This call-to-action is my favorite of all the morning inspirational quotes we're sharing today.
Create the life you can't wait to wake up to. — Josie Spinardi
Real happiness requires much less than you think. Check out Your Blue Print to an UnBusy Life here.
6. Today's the day to get started.
Make time to work on creating the life you want now, so you don't end up stuck in a life you hate living.
Not sure what "the life you want" actually looks like?
7. Here is your "good morning" motivation and push — make that coffee date right now and talk about it with a friend!
Everyone needs at least one friend that they can talk with for hours, yet when parting ways, there's still so much to say. Spend more time with people who kindle your spark. — Zina Harrington (that's me!)
Talking with that friend about how to free yourself from the grind. Sometimes the first step is actually verbalizing your dreams, out loud. So many of us hold in our goals and don't share them with our partners and friends.
Once you have that morning date scheduled, make it a priority and don't cancel!
8. Oh all the coffee quotes, this one sums up my thoughts best.
I'm holding a cup of coffee, so yeah.... I'm pretty busy.
Write that coffee date in pen. And...
9. Remember to pause and slow down this weekend.
Taking time to do nothing often brings everything into perspective.
Slow down and enjoy your coffee date and your weekend.
10. Last of all, remember this important "good morning" message as you plan your week!
Perfect is never. Live now.
Make it a great week!
BONUS: One last bit of good morning motivation
It is easy to get caught up in what others are doing or who we think we ought to be. We end up running in circles living someone else’s life. Here is the ONE THING you need to know for getting off (and staying off!) the spinning hamster wheel.
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It would make our week if you took a second to share this collection of good morning quotes on your favorite social media spot. (That's how we know we're on the right track and should continue writing more posts like this!)