INSIDE: What would simplifying my home as an Enneagram 1 look like? Learn Type 1's uncluttering strengths, struggles, and opportunities.

Understanding your Enneagram personality type is worth the effort. The self-awareness of knowing you're Enneagram 1 habits and traits makes it easier to find effective ways to live slowly, unclutter, and move toward a simple life!
This article will give you in-depth insights from Enneagram Ones within the UnBusy Community. Learn how being a Type 1 has hindered and helped them as they were simplifying home.
We'll cover Enneagram 1's simplifying strengths, struggles, and opportunities.
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The Enneagram 1 Personality
Known as The Idealist, Enneagram Ones are rational, self-controlled, ethical, and responsible.
But what does this mean in terms of an uncluttered home and simple living?
According to clinical psychologist Steven Melendy, PsyD., Enneagram Ones, "feel like their home environment is an extension of the state of their life and psyche on the most visceral level. It's not just about presenting a beautiful space, it's also about feeling in control on the inside and needing to see that reflected on the outside."
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Want to make sure you're an Enneagram One before reading Type 1's simplifying strengths and struggles below? Learn about the best Enneagram Test and get more in-depth Enneagram 1 details here.
1. Simplifying Strengths
Also known as The Perfectionist, it likely doesn’t surprise anyone that Enneagram Ones generally have well-organized spaces.
Enneagram expert Lacey Ramburger explains that if you are Type 1, "You believe there is a place for everything, and that everything should be in its place. You feel at ease when your space is collected and streamlined, and you tend to have a system to ensure things stay the way you want them to."
How Being An Enneagram 1 Is Helpful
When we asked members of the UnBusy Movement how being a Type 1 helped them with uncluttering and simplifying, here's how they replied.
While simplifying my home, being an Enneagram One is helpful because...
- I like order and love to be organized
- In my house, "everything has a home." If it isn’t useful or loved, it’s gone. Surfaces stay clear!
- Once I get started, I stay on course. I am self-motivated.
2. Simplifying Struggles
Enneagram One's struggle with perfectionism can cause complications when trying to simplify.
According to the author of Messy Minimalism, simple living expert Rachel Crawford explains, "Ones love a good plan or method, which can lead them down a rabbit hole of over researching the perfect way to declutter their space. This can even leave them stuck before they ever even get started. If they can’t declutter perfectly, they won’t do it at all."
Struggles with perfectionism also arise for Enneagram 1s when they create unrealistic expectations for themselves and others in their home.
How Being An Enneagram 1 Is Challenging
When we asked members of the UnBusy Movement how being a Type 1 hindered them when uncluttering and simplifying, here's how they replied.
When simplifying my home, being an Enneagram One can be challenging because...
- If something is too overwhelming, it’s hard to start. Instead of going little by little, I feel it has to be done completely the first time or I’ve failed.
- I am self-critical. I struggle with procrastination because of the fear of not being perfect.
- I expect perfection, and when my organization doesn't work out perfectly I get frustrated.
3. Simplifying Opportunities
If you're an Enneagram One, here are a few paths for growth when simplifying your space.
- Resist the urge to give other people decluttering to-do lists. Focus on uncluttering your own belongings (and unhealthy mindsets) first.
- Quiet that inner critic. Forgive yourself and others for mistakes. Instead, notice when the people you love do things right — and tell them how much you appreciate it!
- If you've wanted to simplify your home for a while now, but are procrastinating, think about why. Are you holding back because you're afraid you won't be able to accomplish it perfectly?
Additional Enneagram 1 Resources
Want to learn more about Type 1? Check out this in-depth explanation of the Enneagram One personality type and these additional resources!
Binge-Worthy Reads For Enneagram 1s
Do you think you might be an Enneagram One? Here are a few additional resources for you!
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