A wake-up light can help give you the energy you need to move through your day with presence and intention. Create your own sunshine.

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Most people begin their simple living journey with a pile-up of "life quakes."
Sometimes these transitions are happy and voluntary (moving to a new house, pregnancy, start of a school year).
Sometimes the transitions are involuntary and forced upon us (health crisis, job loss, divorce).
When there is a pile-up of transitions, good or bad, it is overwhelming.
Everyone in a sense begins this journey toward simplicity and intentional living for the same reason — you need to make space for change to be able to write a new chapter.
You're exhausted because THAT takes a massive amount of energy, my friend.
If you feel trapped in the overwhelm and darkness, a gentle reminder that...
Some days you have to create your own sunshine. — Author Unknown
Reset With a Wake-Up Light
Waking up with the sun keeps you in sync with your body's natural circadian rhythms giving you the energy need to move through your day with presence and intention.
But as the days get shorter, it becomes more and more challenging to "rise and shine" in the darkness.
The light of a sunrise alarm clock can help you start your day on the right foot.
There are a lot of expensive, high-tech wake-up light gadgets available. I am reminded of a line from the play Sabrina Fair...
More isn't always better.
Sometimes it's just more.
Here's how to opt-out of complicated and keep it simple.
Keep It Simple: A Minimalist Wake-Up Light
If you'd like a more minimalist look for your bedroom, consider using a Happy Sunlight Therapy Lamp with a digital timer instead.
- We love the simplicity of this combo. Set it up once and it's good to go!
- No snooze or fade options equals consistency for those who struggle in the moment.
- The lack of a clock or time display is helpful for those who suffer from insomnia.
- The power of the 10,000 Lux full-spectrum light truly wakes your body.
- The clean, minimalist, white with wood design is visually appealing.
While we like the style of the Happy Sunlight Therapy Lamp any basic 10,000 Lux full-spectrum light and timer combo will work as a wake-up light.
Your Morning Mindset
Start your day intentionally with a wake-up light and then... quiet that voice.
Quiet that voice telling you that you should have already been done with all this by now. You are releasing years of clutter and self-limiting beliefs.
It is important to remember that...
Every morning starts a new page in your story. — Doe Zantamata
Trust that who you are, where you are, and what you're doing is enoughin this moment.
You will get to where you need to be one small step at a time, when you are ready, at your own pace.
Until then, breathe.
Breath and be patient with yourself and your process as you reset and make space for a simple life. You've got this, my friend.
Start Your Day Positively
Here are a few additional morning quotes and resources for you!
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