Wintering is a time of rest & preparation. Slow down and allow yourself to move at a pace that aligns with the world around you.

This is your permission slip to slow down.
In a world obsessed with doing, learn to simply be.
Don't let social norms convince you that you're lazy or flawed.
If you don't rest, reset, and nourish now, you won't have the energy you need to grow when the time is right.
We live in this perpetual environment of crazy-busy, but the pace we're actually supposed to move at is the pace of nature.
Look outside, my friend.
If you're in the northern hemisphere...
Nature is wintering.
The world feels still. The trees seem dormant. But beneath the ground, vast systems of roots gather nutrients and energy for spring growth.
And this is when we, too, should be preparing for the year ahead and gathering inner resources. Winter is not the time to push yourself toward resolutions or goals.
Biology is simply pulling you to slow, like the wintering world around you.
Your body is made of almost exactly the same elements as the stars, my friend. Your bone composition perfectly matches the coral in the seas.
And that deep sense of overwhelm you feel ... that is nature beckoning you to move toward rest, stillness, inwardness, and presence.
A gentle reminder, self-care is not selfish. It's a vital part of embracing a slower, intentional life.
Rest assured, you are not lazy.
You do not lack determination.
It is simply not your moment to rise.
You are wintering, my friend.
And you are right on time.
Delve into more binge-worthy reads
Here are a few additional resources to help you opt out of the hustle, align, and embrace an intentional life.
Key Points
- Embrace the natural rhythm of the winter season as it invites stillness and introspection.
- Recognize that you are not lazy; instead, you are aligning with the natural world's slower pace around you.
- Give yourself permission to slow down, take care of your well-being, and ensure you have the energy needed for spring growth.
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