INSIDE: What would simplifying my home as an Enneagram 8 look like? Learn Type 8's uncluttering strengths, struggles, and opportunities.

Understanding your Enneagram personality type is worth the effort. The self-awareness of knowing you're Enneagram 8 habits and traits makes it easier to find effective ways to live slowly, unclutter, and move toward a simple life!
This article will give you in-depth insights from Enneagram Eights within the UnBusy Community. Learn how being a Type 8 has hindered and helped them as they were simplifying home.
We'll cover Enneagram 8's simplifying strengths, struggles, and opportunities.
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The Enneagram 8 Personality
Known as The Controller, Enneagram Eights are assertive, intense, self-confident, and decisive.
But what does this mean in terms of a cluttered home and simple living?
According to clinical psychologist Steven Melendy, PsyD., Enneagram Eights, "believe in both working hard and playing hard, their abodes usually have the best of everything. They take tremendous pride in their objects, as they are a direct reflection of their hard work, perseverance, and independence."
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Want to make sure you're an Enneagram Eight before reading Type 8's simplifying strengths and struggles below? Learn about the best Enneagram Test and get more in-depth Enneagram 8 details here.
1. Simplifying Strengths
Also known as The Controller, it likely doesn’t surprise anyone that Enneagram Eights aren't afraid to take initiative and start uncluttering.
Enneagram expert Lacey Ramburger explains that if you are Type 8, "You can create a structured plan and stick to it, at least most of the time. You may end up having other pressing matters that call to your attention and cause you to rearrange priorities for a while. However, when it comes down to it, you can jump back in and get things back in shape if they veer too far off course."
How Being An Enneagram 8 Is Helpful
When we asked members of the UnBusy Movement how being a Type 8 helped them with uncluttering and simplifying, here's how they replied.
While simplifying my home, being an Enneagram Eight is helpful because...
- I am decisive, driven, and determined. These Enneagram traits help me make decisions quickly and permanently to get rid of clutter.
- Knowing I’m an Enneagram 8 helps me understand why I may be filling my calendar or house. It allows me to meet myself with compassion and let go of a constant need for control.
- Everything is black and white, making it easier to stick to a routine.
2. Simplifying Struggles
Enneagram Eights struggle with being uncomfortable with their own emotions can cause complications when trying to simplify.
According to the author of Messy Minimalism, simple living expert Rachel Crawford explains, while Enneagram 8s tend often tend to appear decisive and demanding, "they are rather sentimental and at times uncertain. They dread the thought of needing to rely on someone else and because of that, they can hold on to a stockpile of stuff they don’t need for far too long."
Struggles with an overly commanding vibe can also arise for Enneagram 8s when collaborating with others in their home while uncluttering.
How Being An Enneagram 8 Is Challenging
When we asked members of the UnBusy Movement how being a Type 8 hindered them when uncluttering and simplifying, an interesting thing happened... none of them felt comfortable admitting to having any weaknesses.
This is not surprising because, "If you are a Type 8, you will do everything in your power to hide weaknesses to ensure others view you as strong (learn more)."
Out of all the people who filled out the questionnaire, only one Type 8 expressed a struggle.
When simplifying my home, being an Enneagram Eight can be challenging because...
- Straight talk can be intimidating to others I may be helping on their journey of uncluttering.
3. Simplifying Opportunities
If you're an Enneagram Eight, here are a few paths for growth when simplifying your space.
- If you've wanted to simplify your home for a while now, but are procrastinating, think about why. Are you holding back because you're afraid you will need to rely on the help of others?
- When uncluttering, tap into your self-confidence to let go of "what-if" items in your home.
- Watch out for and avoid either/or thinking. Being mindful of a dualistic and/both mentality opens the door to an abundant mindset.
An Eight in the UnBusy Community encourages other Type 8s to remember that "The Enneagram is a journey not a diagnosis. What’s as important as your number is where you are in your integration and recognizing that it can help you understand others."
Additional Enneagram 8 Resources
Want to learn more about Type 8? Check out this in-depth explanation of the Enneagram Eight personality type and these additional resources!
Binge-Worthy Enneagram 8 Reads
Do you think you might be an Enneagram Eight? Here are a few additional resources for you!
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