An Enneagram 3 is often described as The Achiever. Does this descriptive name resonate with you? Learn more about Type 3 below!

Curious if you are an Enneagram 3? Figuring out which of the nine Enneagram personality types you are can be difficult. We're here to help.
Understanding your personality type is worth the effort. The self-awareness of knowing you're an Enneagram 3 makes it easier to find effective and efficient ways to move toward a simple life!
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Type Three: The Achiever
Enneagram Threes are often described as The Achiever or The Performer.
These highly-driven performers are often perceived as very successful in life and appreciate being looked up to for their hard work and achievements. They love to rise to a challenge, motivate others, and inspire hope.
If you are an Achiever, you likely find failure unacceptable and might struggle as a workaholic, focusing the majority of your time on making sure others perceive you as successful.
Enneagram 3 Personality Under Stress
When Enneagram Threes are overwhelmed, they can lack drive, lose motivation, and be filled with self-doubt.
When unhealthy Type 3s fail, they take it seriously and can truly struggle to let it go.
In other words, when Enneagram 3s are stressed they shift toward the unhealthy side of Type Nine, The Sloth.
A Healthy Enneagram 3
Healthy Enneagram Threes let go of defensive control, focus more energy on the people they care about, and embrace being loved for who they are vs what they do.
In summary, when Enneagram Threes feel secure they shift toward the positive side of Type Six, The Loyalist.
Type 3: The Heart Triad ♥
Enneagram Threes use how they feel as their primary guide when making decisions.
This is because Type 3 is part of the Heart Triad. This heart centered triad is comprised of three types — Enneagram 4, Enneagram 3, and Enneagram 2.
Learn more about the other Heart Triad types: Enneagram 2s and Enneagram 4.
Binge-Worthy Enneagram 3 Reads
Do you think you might be an Enneagram Three? Here are a few additional Type 3 resources for you!
Additional Enneagram Resources
Want to dive deeper into the Enneagram? Check out these additional resources!
The 9 Enneagram Personality Types
Still not sure if you're an Enneagram Three? There are a total of nine personality types. Keep researching until you find one that resonates. Learn more about the characteristics of the other Enneagram types.
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